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Fishy, Fishy, Fishy, Fish! February 26, 2009

Posted by lunarawe in fo, free knitting patterns, hats, Knitting - FOs.

A brief break from the catching up of the blog to show off my latest FO… the fishy hat!

Was there anyone who upon seeing this fabulous pattern on Knitty didnt immediately think… I have to make this hat! That was my reaction. And when I showed pictures of the pattern to my friend, she couldn’t help but exclaim about how much she wanted one. How could I resist such a response? This fabulous, shiny fishy hat is dedicated to my mentor and friend, Paula. She will get it in a few weeks when I next see her in Boston.

This was made from Knit Picks Andean Silk yarn, which is soft and comes in stunning colors. Here are Sangria, Fedora, Cinnamon, and Cranberry. The bits of shine were added from leftover stash. Sometimes a woman just needs a bit of glitz, you know? If anyone can rock the fishy hat, it’s Paula. I just hope she likes it!

My New Schacht wheel is Matchless! February 19, 2009

Posted by lunarawe in handspun, spinning, spinning wheel.

Possibly the biggest unshared info in recent months has been my acquisition of a new and much beloved spinning wheel. Thanks again go to Toni at The Fold for helping me to both select my wheel during a visit to Marengo, IL and then have it arrive safely at my Florida home! It is a Schacht Matchless wheel and so different from the Ashford Traveller wheel that I have now been using for two years. This again was a spliced together holiday gift (huge thanks to my parents and to Devorah). Really amazing how expensive a good spinning wheel can be. That said, I absolutely love this wheel. There are some major differences. It has a double drive mechanism (though it can be converted to scotch tension) and SO MUCH SPACE for my feet. Also I love that the orifice is in the center. Though, wouldn’t you know it, after two years of spinning twisted to the left, I still sit that way. Plus changing bobbins and ratios is so much easier. Do not misunderstand, I really love my Traveller wheel. But now I can just leave it set up with its lace flyer in place and still have a lot of options without messing with the entire mother of all everytime I want to do something else.


As always Devorah in all her fabulousness put together my wheel for me. Doesn’t she look happier this time than last time? True, this wheel does not come with 29 pages of assembly instructions. Now that was a labor of love. You know she is too good to me because trying to put a wheel together while a crazed and excited spinner is bouncing excitedly all around the house just has to be harder. Poor Devorah.


Eventually spinning was taking place and the world was very, very fine indeed. I am now 3/4 done with the last of three bobbins of this eight ounce wool roving. I am really wanting to ply!

In Sock News… February 17, 2009

Posted by lunarawe in fo, knitting, Knitting - FOs, knitting socks, socks.

It has been ridiculously long since I have written. In good news there as been much progress, new fun toys, and a returning drive for knitting even though spinning and dyeing are still vying for much of my crafting energy and time. These simple socks were started months ago… a kindness to hands of restlessness during our denomination’s annual meeting. Hours in the plenary hall really require some sort of crafting freedom to pass the time. Happily no one fusses when staff knits, so I thought it the perfect time to knit for a friend.

Inevitably the amount of time I assumed plenary would take in boredom years was only half as long as it would take me to knit what I think is a somewhat timetaking (yet mindless) pattern: twin rib. What remains then of course is not only single sock syndrome, but the added reminder of all of those hours of meeting time wrapped up in casting on for the second sock. Finally out of sheer embarrassment, these got done and were mailed scant hours ago. A simple non-pattern, toe up with a slip stitch toe and heel. This yarn is Socks that Rock, mediumweight. Lush and fabulous.

I also have gotten to the half way mark on another long dormant pair of socks, my monkey socks. Ridiculous that they have been dormant for so long, since this is in fact a super fun pattern to knit. And the yarn is gorgeous. Blue Moon Fiber Arts Socks that Rock again, this time in the Raven Series. Both of these are holdovers from the Rockin’ Sock Club so you know we are digging into stash history… that fine strata of projects not yet complete. The goal is to clear some back work out of the queue to, of course, justify the casting on of evermore projects. Perfection.

Apologies for the wonky photo. I saw a clear space in all the clutter and plop! Down the sock went. More news soon… a woman can’t be expected to catch up all at once.