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Small Cabled Tarot Deck Pouch April 20, 2009

Posted by lunarawe in fo, handspun, knitting, Knitting - FOs, pagan, Paganism & witchcraft.
1 comment so far

So what do you do when your first attempts at long draw spinning result in all of 50 yards of green three ply yarn? I decided that my little nubbin of fluff and need for a pouch for my new tarot deck were well matched.

See that ridiculously small tuft of green on the side? That is how much yarn I had left over when I was done. I even used the tail from the cast on to sew up one of the sides! Still I am supremely pleased with this little pouch. It features a cable from Viking Patterns for Knitting by Elsebeth Lavold and is just about the sproingiest twist of green goodness that I ever did see.

We are very pleased.

The Wonderful World of Witching October 31, 2006

Posted by lunarawe in free knitting patterns, knitting, Paganism & witchcraft.

On this Samhain eve, it seems appropriate to ask the question, “do witches really knit?”

I mean, there have to be more of us out there, right? The answer I uncovered was interesting. I found very few images of witches knitting (but a lot of tacky knitting patterns of witches). One drawing by artist Joshua Isaac Howell depicts the less friendly side of witches, but at least this one is industriously knitting!

Some patterns were actually cute, like this knit-yourself-a-witch’s-hat pattern. This hat is unlikely to protect anyone from a house falling on their head, but it sure will keep them warm in winter.

There were plenty of other stitching witches in the blogosphere, some more active than others. I am sure I have missed folks. Holler if you would like to be included in the list below!

Knit Witch http://edenknit.blogspot.com/

Knit Witch http://miracole.blogspot.com/

Knit Witch http://www.purthknitwitch.blogspot.com/

Knitting Goddess #9 http://www.stitch-witch.net/

The Nocturnal Knit Witch http://nocturnalknitwitch.blogspot.com/

Farm-Witch http://farm-witch.blogspot.com/

Knit Witch’s Realm http://knit-witch.blogspot.com/

The Worsted Witch http://www.worstedwitch.com/

Stitch Witch http://www.knitstitchwitch.blogspot.com/

The Stitch Witch http://stitchwitch.typepad.com/

Erssie Knits http://erssieknits.squarespace.com/

Last but not least, for the knitting witch who has everything, the knitting witch poster.

Happy Halloween!